Monday, June 7, 2010

Planning commission report on power sector 2009-10

For year 2009-2010, Central government had Power capacity addition target of 3402 MW , but it was only able to achieve 2180 MW . A deficit of 1222 MW .Central government achieved only 60% target.
For private sector, capacity addition target was 6125 MW and it has able to achieve 4287 MW.
For state government, target was 4980 MW , achievement was 3118 MW.
For year 2009-2010, India added 9585 MW of electricity generation capacity.
This all due to delay in environmental clearances, delay in commissioning of power plant and lack of execution capability.
India has total installed capacity of 1.55 lakh (155,000) MW (round figure).
China has total installed capacity of around 9.5 lakh MW (950,000 MW) or 950 GW !

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